Merlin ORM

Merlin, our data framework

A fast and reliable data framework that's easy to use

Merlin ORM
Our Merlin data framework has been in use in commercial projects since 2010. It's used throughout this website too.
For our developers, Merlin means easy integration with Microsoft SQL Server and Access databases. The framework provides code generation (of course), advanced querying capabilities, and a sophisticated data cache.
There's also specialised collections for Merlin data objects (and utilities to query these), and serialization with import/export from XML and JSON formats.
Yes, we're aware that there are plenty of other ORM solutions available, and many of them are free. We built Merlin specifically for speed and ease of use, and we've optimised and expanded the framework over the years.
Merlin ORM has proved to be an excellent component - fast, reliable, and easy to use. We've used it in plenty of projects, and we're confident it will provide the solution you need for accessing Microsoft data sources.
Let's discuss how Merlin ORM can provide enterprise-grade reliability for the data in your software applications - call us or send us a message below.

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